Today’s global population is constantly suffering from stress and anxiety. Millions of them suffer from depression. If not treated on time, it can also lead to self-harm and other health concerns. For most anti-depressant medicines there is a chance of becoming dependent or drug-tolerant. What better choice can you get other than CBD, which is effective without any harmful side effects or dependency.

There are numerous anecdotal evidences that CBD tincture or CBD oil-infused products have a significant contribution in relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety. There are myriads of CBD products for other uses. A reliable company like JustCBD has GMP-certified products along with third-party lab test reports. This is a US-based company selling a wide range of high-quality CBD products with 30 days money-back guarantee. You can check out the customer reviews before any purchase.

What Exactly Is CBD?

Researches have revealed that there are more than 113 identified cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. The most active cannabinoids are CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). They may be similar in chemical structure, but have very different properties. When you smoke or consume marijuana, you may experience a feeling of euphoria or cognitive distortion. The THC in marijuana is responsible for getting you high. It even creates addiction with long-term use.

Unlike THC, CBD does not produce any distortion in cognitive functions. Rather it counters the psychoactive effects of THC if taken in the right proportion. CBD can relax your mind, increase concentration, and help in getting good sleep.

You should keep in mind that you can extract CBD from both cannabis plants – marijuana and hemp. But marijuana is illegal in most countries and states due to its high THC content. On the other hand, the hemp plant has a high content of CBD and equal to or less than 0.3% THC content. Therefore, the production and manufacture of hemp-derived CBD are generally legal in many states. You should check the law of the state before buying any CBD product.

How Can CBD Help in Treating Depression?

The endocannabinoid system in our body regulates various body functions like immunity response, appetite, and cognitive functions such as memory. It strives to maintain homeostasis in the body. It is abundantly present in the peripheral nervous and central nervous systems. Phyto-cannabinoids can interact with the receptors directly or indirectly to produce various effects.

Researches on animals have shown that CBD has some anti-depressant effects reducing stress and anxiety over both long-term and short-term use. Having a balanced serotonin level can stabilize your mood and emotions along with appetite, digestion, and sleep cycle. CBD may not boost serotonin levels directly, but has a clear impact on serotonin receptors. It also has a potential anti-anxiety property. CBD is a non-addictive compound and has very few side effects. All these factors help in reducing the symptoms of depression to a great extent.

Be Cautious

You should not discontinue any current medication without the permission of your doctor. You should also check for any drug interaction before including CBD in your routine. As for the dosage, not all individuals would experience the same effectiveness. You would have to adjust the dose to get the right effect for you.

By Emily